$acred Motherhood

Ends on

This is an Open Call for an exhibition about Motherhood. Throughout history, artistic representations of motherhood have mirrored society's perceptions of maternal roles. From serene Renaissance paintings of the Virgin Mary to stark modern photographs of working-class mothers, visual images chronicle our shifting cultural narratives and societal expectations. The maternal figure is continually redrawn to reflect the religious, political, and economic ideals of each era.

Exhibition Description:

In the 21st century, as our understanding of gender and family structure continues to evolve, so too must our artistic explorations of motherhood and caregiving. This Open Call invites diverse perspectives on contemporary maternity. Submissions of art in any medium may include work that reflects on lived experience, challenges or redefines traditional concepts, examines economic and emotional labors of caregiving, or portrays diverse family structures. This exhibition is open to ALL artists, and we particularly welcome entries from women and non-binary artists, including transgender women and femme/feminine-identifying genderqueer artists. 

Please submit images of up three works in all media that include a visual element and have not been previously exhibited at the Gallery. Artists must address the theme of this exhibition in their work and in their artist statement.

 About the Juror: Kiki McGrath (she/her) is an artist based in Chicago, Illinois. Her installations and collaborative performances explore the overlapping edges of ritual, labor, and social history. Selected exhibitions include ‘Anchorhold’ in the National Cathedral in Washington DC, ‘Polishing the Glass Ceiling’ in the Chicago Cultural Center, and ‘Art in Odd Places’ in New York City. She curates shows in non-profit and alternative sites and hosts the project space Coachhouse1. For more information visit Kiki's website: www.kikimcgrath.com

The exhibition will be held from January 18 to February 15, 2025 at Woman Made Gallery, 1332 S. Halsted St., Chicago, IL 60607.

First Entry Due Date: November 16, 2024, 11:59 PM CST (entry fee: $30) | Final Entry Due Date (fee increases to $35): November 23, 2024, 11:59 PM


Exhibition Dates: January 18 – February 15, 2025 

Opening Reception: Saturday, January 18 from 4 to 7 PM CST 

Artist Walkthrough: Saturday, February 15 from 2 to 4 PM CST 

First Entry Due Date: November 16, 2024, 11:59 PM CST 

Extended Due Date (fee increase to $35): November 23, 2024, 11:59 PM CST 

Notification: December 7, 2024

Entry Fee 

*The entry fee is $30 until the first deadline. The entry fee will then increase to $35 per entry. Each entry requires a minimum of one artwork, though up to three artworks may be considered per submission. Entry fees are non-refundable. 

Members at the Enhanced Artist Level ($100) and above receive one free entry annually. Please email general@womanmade.org to receive your one-time code for free entry redemption. 

WMG offers up to 30 fee waivers per exhibition. To acknowledge the historic inequities of wealth distribution, they are mainly reserved for ALAANA/BIPOC and/or LGBTQIA+. If you require a fee waiver simply email us explaining your need and we will assist you. Please email WMG at general@womanmade.org to request a fee-waiver. 

Eligibility Woman Made Gallery is a space for women and nonbinary artists, including trans women and femme/feminine-identifying genderqueer artists. We welcome art from women and non-binary artists from our local community, regionally based, and around the world. 

Due to wall size restrictions, artworks must be no larger than 6’ horizontally and under 75 pounds in weight, unless delivered to and picked up from our gallery by the artist. Artists may be additionally responsible for the installation of oversized works. 

New media artworks are eligible. To be considered, artists must submit a sample .mp4 or URL under 10 mins for purposes of consideration. For exhibition, WMG requires a digital transfer (Google Drive, Vimeo downloads, WeTransfer) as well as a USB formatted in .mp4 file format delivered to the gallery. WMG can provide a limited number of screens and projectors with basic speakers. All other new media needs are the responsibility of the artist. 

Art Sales Accepted work may be listed for sale or be not for sale (NFS). WMG will retain a 40% commission on sold works. Work remains the property of the artist until sold. Sold artworks shall remain in the exhibition until the end of the exhibition. Artists will be paid no later than 30 days after the close of the exhibit. Artists may donate any portion of their commission to WMG. 

Terms of Exhibition An artist contract with full terms of the exhibition will be administered at the time of acceptance notification. Artists need to retrieve their work by the date noted in the artist contract or make alternate arrangements. WMG is unable to store work beyond the pick-up date. Artists may donate their art to WMG's fundraising efforts if unable to pick it up. WMG is happy to talk through preparations, offer advice, and recommend resources as requested.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.