My Abortion: My Choice

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Dear Friend:

In response to the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and in conjunction with the Jan/Feb 2023 group exhibition, ROE 2.0, Woman Made Gallery is asking for your voice by sharing your abortion story. This is an on-going project and there is no entry due date. We'll exhibit the stories as they come in, and we feature them on WMG's website.  

We know that there are dozens of reasons why abortions are necessary and it is never a decision taken lightly.

“It was the right decision for me and for the children I already gave birth to.” “I was not ready to be a mother.” “I got my life back.” “It allowed me to complete my education.” “I was able to leave my bad relationship.” “It secured my future.” “It saved my life.” “It was medically and mentally necessary.” “I did not want to be pregnant.”

Whatever the reasons, the most outrageous part of all of this, is that half of the population has been told that they no longer have rights over their own body and that they are now 2nd class citizens.

When I had my abortion, I could not be more unprepared. I was using contraception. yet I accidentally became pregnant. I had no job and I had just been admitted to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago to receive my Master’s degree which made a tremendous difference in my life and my career, receiving the credentials necessary to teach.

There are a thousand stories. I had pretty much forgotten mine, pushed it aside. When it was over, I moved on, taught college Art, exhibited my work, and promoted other Women artists.

Even if you have not had an abortion, you know someone who has. You may have driven them to the appointment. You may remember the feelings of that day and many years afterward.

We are soliciting those personal stories now not to exceed more than 500 words. You may sign your name or stay anonymous. With your permission, your story together with others is shared on WMG’s Website.

You have a choice to sign your name, or to be anonymous and your identity will be omitted. There is no entry fee to submit your story. By clicking the checkbox in this application, you accept and agree to the Acknowledgment and Grant of Permission. If you do not agree to the Acknowledgment and Grant of Permission, you should not submit your experience to Woman Made for the Online Project: My Abortion: My Choice. 

Regards, Marcia Grubb

Lifetime WMG Member | Past President of Woman Made Gallery

Keywords:  Roe v. Wade, Reproductive Rights, Pro-Choice, Feminism, Feminist, My Body, My Choice, Planned Parenthood, Abortion Is Healthcare, Womens Rights

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